Need a fundraising idea?

Piggy Bank

Whether you are fundraising for your school, kindergarten, childcare centre or any other worthwhile cause*, name labels are a useful and practical idea which parents love.

The benefits of fundraising with My Name Label;

  • You will earn 15% commission on ALL orders across our ENTIRE product range.
  • You can set and forget. We offer an online ordering system so there is no need for a co-ordinator to collect orders or money. Once you have your unique fundraising code you can just let your orders accumulate while My Name Label take care of the rest.
  • It is easy for parents. They can order online when it suits them. Orders can be placed 24/7, 365 days of the year.
  • Commission is paid annually and you receive a £16 gift voucher to use for further fundraising as well!

* Your organisation must be a registered not for profit organisation, school, kindergarten, childcare centre, playgroup or charity.

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Register your fundraiser and start earning $$.


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Let us know if you would like more information and samples before you go ahead with a fundraiser.

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