Iron-on Labels
With My Name Label iron-on clothing labels you will never have to sew on another label. Made from a durable polyester material with a heat activated adhesive, they are easy to apply and will stay on in the wash and the tumble dryer. Nothing could be easier.
Standard Iron-On Labels
Standard size iron-on clothing labels are ideal for primary school children and the elderly. The larger size ensures that clothing is easily identifiable and returned to it's owner if lost.
Mini Iron-On Labels
Mini iron-on clothing labels are perfect for all the little things that need to be named such as ties, underwear, socks, hankies, headbands and caps amongst other things.
They are also preferred by teenagers who understand that things need to be named but prefer it to be a bit more discreet.
Combination Packs
We have a range of Combination Packs if you need more than one type of label.
Great value!
Check them out