18 April 2018
The summer is nearly upon us (hopes, wishes, prayers!), and our thoughts turn to long hot summer holidays. Camping with children is a rose-tinted idea - perhaps something we enjoyed ourselves as children, or something we wish for our own offspring – but what is camping with children like in reality?...Read more
20 February 2018
Whatever your reasons, these alternative Easter gifts for children are just perfect. With the help of this unique gift list, the Easter Bunny has nothing on you…...Read more
26 November 2017
Along with the more traditional Christmas activities of going to church, carol singing and writing a letter to Santa, Christmas Eve traditions new and old all contribute to the magic of childhood....Read more
15 October 2017
From Roald Dahl to Dr. Seuss, there's plenty of wisdom to be found in the novels from our youth. 10 inspirational quotes from children’s books…...Read more
04 August 2017
Life seems to get busier and busier. There are children to entertain, emails to answer, meals to make, a social life to upkeep, a house to clean, and that’s not even considering those of us with full time jobs as well! Amongst all this joyful mayhem, who has time to sit down and sew!?...Read more
18 July 2017
We like to get prepared early so that we can enjoy the whole long (hopefully hot) summer with our children without the worry of going back to school looming over us. With that in mind, here are the five back-to-school hacks we like to do at the start of the summer holidays to get ready for school....Read more
27 June 2017
Ever-bidding in our desire to help busy parents, here at My Name Label we explore the best end of year gifts for teachers so that you don’t have to......Read more
21 June 2017
That pale lemony ball in the sky is hinting at great things, but hasn’t quite broken through the clouds (yet!). We can almost smell the summery scent of coconut and feel the warm glow of bright sunshine but, as we sat here typing with the central heating still on, we must admit it feels like it’s taking a long time to arrive. Hrumph!...Read more
04 April 2017
Ahhh lunchboxes…whether your child is at nursery, pre-school or big school, making a healthy lunchbox which satisfies them whilst also being nutritious enough to support a growing body and brain can seem an overwhelming task. How can you make your child’s lunchbox tempting enough that they’ll want to eat it all? ...Read more
27 February 2017
And so the desperate scramble through the fancy dress box ensues as March 2nd swings around, and parents everywhere wonder what costume their little one will wear to school this year for World Book Day? Here at My Name Label, as well as making sure all your labelling needs are taken care of, we also thought we’d help with some of the best World Book Day costume ideas that your children will love too. Because after all, you and your littlies want to spend time reading not thinking about costumes, right?...Read more
01 November 2016
We walked to the park, he found puddles, he ran and crawled, he took his shoes on and off multiple times and to my utter disbelief, the shoe name labels held fast!...Read more
27 October 2016
The children have now gone back to school and, whilst some of us breathe a huge sigh of relief that they can now get back into a familiar routine without having to provide a source of round-the-clock entertainment, lots of us are feeling sad about the big child-shaped hole in our lives where the littlies once were!...Read more
15 August 2016
The summer holidays are here (and depending on where you are in the UK, might even be here already!), so our thoughts turn to summer travel and our quest for some glorious summer sunshine. Here we look at how to travel stress-free with children and hope that it helps you to enjoy your holidays that little bit more this summer!...Read more
24 June 2016
We buy our new uniforms, pens, pencil cases, bags, shoes and school name labels at the start of the summer holidays so that we can enjoy the rest of the summer, smug in the knowledge that this year we’ve got this covered....Read more
19 September 2012
We've got a multitude of organisational and storage solutions (including personalised name labels!), professional organisers and de-cluttering courses, and even street-by-street sidewalk trash days – all to help us manage our overflow of stuff!...Read more
11 December 2011
As you can imagine, producing name labels for kids means I see a lot of different names – from traditional to quirky. But when I saw a BBC report on a New Zealand girl called “Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii” I was dumbfounded. What were her parents thinking?!...Read more
01 December 2011
Many of our customers at My Name Label are busy mums and dads using our personalised kids labels to stay organised and save time. Here are some of the best strategies I've picked up from talking with them about how they keep their families organised....Read more